Welcome to a different vision. Here you'll find people, places, and things I come in contact with, as well as some experimental photos done with toy and vintage cameras. I've just added a page for my video projects. It's...um....evolving. I'm currently producing a short documentary about the Mid-Atlantic burlesque scene and as that progresses, I'll be posting more details.


Recently, I went to Rehoboth Beach and took along the Colorpack III. She takes beautiful pictures, I must say, even though I think the Fuji film gives better sky. See the full set here

Who loves Polaroid? I do. Here are some self-portraits I did yesterday.


More polaroids...or rather Annapoloroids can be found here.


New polaroids here


Photos from my last trip to Mexico! Digital and B&W film are here and some cool vintage-looking photos taken with my Tower box camera are here.

New self-portraits, done in the Mexican Caribbean:

Lost at Sea

all text and images © Kerri Sheehan, 2005-2011